Become A Member/Volunteer

You are needed to help serve the community!
Applications are always welcomed for volunteer EMTs, Drivers, Adjunct and Junior Corps members.
Member Duties and Responsibilities:
Senior Corps:
Membership Type: (EMT’s and Drivers)
Senior Corps Hourly Requirements: Members at this level are expected to serve at least 6 hours per week.*
The cost of EMT training for active members will be reimbursed.
About This Position:
• Drivers must have held a valid drivers license for a minimum of three years prior to operating BVAC emergency vehicles.
• Senior Corps members are expected to attend training sessions, meetings, drills, and work details. Some flexibility is available based on schedules.
Junior Corps
Junior Corps Age Requirements: Junior Corps members are students between the ages of 15 and 17.
Junior Corps Requirements: Members at this level are expected to serve at least 3 hours per week.*
About This Position:
• Members are expected to maintain good academic standing in order to continue riding on ambulances.
• Members are expected to enroll in EMT-B classes upon reaching the age of 18.​
• Junior Corps members are expected to attend all meetings and drills to become familiar with BVAC equipment and services.
Adjunct Members
Adjunct Members have a critical role with agency operations. Professional skills such as Accounting, Legal, Human Resources, Fund Raising, Grant Writing, Facilities Management, Social Media, Marketing, and Community Liaison are vital to day-to-day operations and success of our organization. If you have the skills outside of being an EMT or driver and would like to volunteer, please apply for consideration.
​*For all members, training and attendance is necessary to learn and practice the essential skills of patient care, to become familiar with the equipment and test processes, protocols and procedures and to ensure compliance with federal and local requirements.
Please fill out the application below to apply ONLINE to BVAC!
After submitting your application, please scroll up to confirm submission status.
Form Library:
Please click below to access our forms. Many of our forms need to be completed ahead of time in preparation for our New Member Interview can be found here.